13/05/2023 - 5s and 10s and Ultras.

Three Ivanhoe’s represented at the new Sinfin 5 miler replacing the previous Classic 10K by Sinfin Running Club. Alistair Chambers finished in 24th overall and his 31:17 saw him take the club 5 mile record in the VM60 category. With a recent birthday, Alistair and now holds a whopping 12 club distance records across several categories. Keeping him company was second claim member John Finn in 34:44 for 56th place, and Helen Finn in 42:57 for 30th female back.

Lucy Allsop flew solo at the Crowle 10K, where the event was celebrating it’s 21st birthday. Lucy had much to celebrate at the finish line with a 20 second PB, breaking her 2018 Burton time in a year where our champ is running strong and has more to showcase I’m sure.

We close out with an ultra running spectacular; Paul Woods tackling the Ultra Trail Snowdonia 50K, and Ramzi Sidani & Andy Hough going a tad longer at the Goring Gap 52K.

Paul said it was one of his best but toughest days in the mountains. “Almost 1/4 of those who started didn’t finish. Heat and elevation were brutal! Had a really bad time at 15 miles on the second ascent of Snowdon, everything started spinning and I thought I was going to pass out. Took a rest and got some electrolytes down me, but the remaining climb up Snowdon was agony, with me getting full leg cramps every few mins. Took my time and had 4 salt tablets which sorted me out. The remaining 20 miles were just about marching on and enjoying the beautiful day”. Sensational grit, perseverance as well as knowing what your body needed to allow you to venture onward, well done Paul.

Ramzi said he had a good run at his event, and we’d go one better to say it was fabulous! “Came 4th in 4hr25min. 3rd place was poached from me in the last half mile and I had nothing left in the legs to respond with. Not disappointed as I gave it my all. Great to see Andrew Hough the legend”, and in traditional Ivanhoe team spirit Andy came back with “Great run at the Goring Gap 52k (32.5 miles). I went a bit wrong and did 33 miles. Wouldn’t have happened if Ramzi Sidani would have waited for me. But he had to show off and come an amazing 4th.” We think you’re both amazing, congratulations.

Written by Mark Parker - last updated on 12/06/2023