24/01/2022 - Dobbers at the ready!

The Round Sheffield Run is a multi-stage trail running experience in, you guessed it, Sheffield! It takes in 20km of parks and trails across the city in a fun format that keeps you on your toes!

The winter edition debuted this year on the 9th January, making for a muddy affair, and despite it being the morning after our celebration evening, that didn’t stop one runner!

Armed with her numbered dibber, Andrea Trickett took on the 11 stage event, each section varying in distance, including the 400m Endcliffe Park finish, 2.5km jaunt past Beauchief Golf Course, the cheeky 900m of undulating Chances Woods track and the 1.4km gradual ascent through Graves Park.

A whopping 600m of elevation is covered over the course, but if you’ve ever been running and just longed for a break (haven’t we all!) this is the event for you. Soak up those recovery stages before going again! ๐Ÿš€

Andrea did an incredible job of grappling the creative but challenging course, finishing in an amazing cumulative time of 1:58:05!

The summer version of this successful event takes place on the weekend of the 25th & 26th June. (Imagine me whispering this very quietly, as I know it will be mentioned, but members, don’t be forgetting that the BDSL Gate Gallop 10K takes place on the Sunday ๐Ÿ‘€) ๐Ÿคซ

Written by Emily Partridge - last updated on 24/09/2022