05/02/2017 - Charnwood Hills, London W'tr 10k

Nine Ivanhoe Runners took part in the challenging Charnwood Hills fell race, the only official fell race in Leicestershire. Run over a 14 mile plus course from Anstey, the route takes in Bradgate Park including the climb up to Old John, Broombriggs Hill and Beacon Hill then returns via Bradgate Park.

In sticky condition, Steve Baggott was first home for the Club in 57th place in 1.51.45. Andy Lindley ran the race for the first time and was pleased with a time of2.05.30 for 113th place. Old hand Martin Yeomans ran a solid 2.11.54 in 145th, while Tim Sturla's dodgy achilles improved as the race went on and he looked comfortable in 2.18.49 in 172nd. He was just ahead of Andy Pawley who looked strong in 176th with 2.19.27.

Newcomer Mark Hoult looked to be enjoying it as he clocked 2.27.29, while Karen Bell clocked a personal best for the race with 2.19.59 and 39th lady. The hard lady of Ivanhoe Teresa Talbott made light of the hills as she finished 57th lady in 2.30.04, while club chairman Heather Swan brought the squad home as 74th lady in 2.53.06.

On the closed roads of the capital, two Ivanhoe Runners ran the London Winter Run in aid of Cancer Research UK. Remarkably their chip times were only three seconds apart, with Jenny Hope clocking an excellent 59.13 and Amy Sanders clocking 59.16 for the 10k course.

Written by Kevin Sanders - last updated on 06/02/2017