22/01/2017 - Resolution, Grand Canaria

Race results

In addition to cross-country league action, the new year has also seen Ivanhoe Runners in action in other races across this country and beyond! While holidaying in South Africa, in addition to a couple of parkruns Kevin Sander and Judith Webster-Sanders took part in the Resolution 7.5k Trail Run near Stellenbosch. On a hilly vineyard course, Judith ran well to clock 49.21 to finish 50th out of the 150 plus field, while Kevin clocked 53.15.

Also overseas, in Grand Canaria, Sally Jeyes raced over 10k and was rewarded with first v65 with a 58.06 clocking. Andy Jeyes did the half marathon and clocked a fine 1.38.49.

Written by Kevin Sanders - last updated on 23/01/2017