11/01/2023 - Ready, steady, 2023!

Race results

Hello there team and welcome to your first news of 2023! “It’s the second week of February, Em”, I hear you cry, “Where have you been?”, and well, at the start of the year I was completely unaware I’d be spending the next 12 months planning the biggest day of my life. And so here I am openly asking for forgiveness if I struggle with writing as many articles as I managed for you last year.


That being said, if ever you fancy picking up the pen as a guest editor for any race you’ve participated in or spectated at, or even a summary of a great training or social run / event you’ve enjoyed, you will be welcomed with open arms. I will do the posting on your behalf, so no need to worry about all the technical jazz. Feel free to drop me a message any time.


Housekeeping over, let’s get into the juicy stuff shall we. First Ivanhoe over a 2023 finish line was newly appointed Special Events Officer, Matt Pleass, securing a delicious top spot at the Dave Denton mile in a blistering 5:16. Also making the top 10 was Andrew Stanley in 6:29 and Paul Woods only 10 seconds behind for the 10th spot. Mark Bradford completed the quartet in a cruisy 8:03.


No rest for the wicked, just enough time to catch your breath and grab some hydration and off goes the 5K. Pleass occupying silver position in this one in 18:30, Paul Woods in bronze and 18:44, and Stanley won’t mind missing out on the podium I’m sure given just 11 days into the year there’s a new personal best on the board. 19:11 knocked a grand 4 seconds off his previous best at the same event in the same month last year. It was a super solid effort from Mr Bradford, taking 12th position with 22:24.


Keeping with the road racing, and it was speedster Tom Potter in action at Bolsover 10K. In position 11, taking 1:11 (spooky!) off his last top score at August’s Holme Pierrepont race, he rallied hard to achieve an eye-watering 34:08.


We also held a successful pacing event in January at our local Conkers parkrun, with Ivanhoe members flooding the roster and supporting runners achieve their time goals, along with a sprinkling of celebrations for our marvellous Mo’s big birthday. Well done to all those getting involved!

Written by Emily Partridge - last updated on 08/02/2023